Rhythmic Accompaniment

Rhythmic Accompaniment

Rhythmic Accompaniment

I got the students to try imitating the we will rock you rhythm using the following pen-tapping techniques. Then, using the garageband app on the iPad, I got them to match each sound with the part of the drum set that it was trying to imitate. The click was imitating the hi-hat, the palm the kick drum and the slam was the snare.

Rhythmic Accompaniment
When I was in the school just a year ago, pen-tapping was all the rage and so many students could be seen doing it during recess. It's funny how fads start and die off so quickly. Thankfully, I managed to get a video of some of the students performing pen-tapping when it was still in fashion. They told me that the rhythms were composed by them.

Rhythmic Accompaniment

Beatboxing is another popular way of creating rhythms in music.

Rhythmic Accompaniment

The cajon (pronounced cahon) is an increasingly popular instrument used in place of the drum set because of it's portability. The player sits on it and hits different parts of it to produce different sounds. Here's a video of it:

Rhythmic Accompaniment

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